Hee-Haw Horseradish...As Seen on Dragons' Den!
In 2014 we launched #heehawhorseradish and two years later found ourselves applying to appear on #dragonsden. My daughter Sara was the driving force behind the idea of our presentation to the producers of the show. The night before auditions were being held in Victoria, Sara - 12 years old at the time, came to me and said we should go for it. So we worked together to put together a presentation and the next day found ourselves at the downtown hotel lined up with other hopeful seekers. After a short wait we were let in to the ball room and with nothing more than a gleam in our eyes, a pull up banner...and a couple of jars of product, we pitched. And they loved it. Loved the family angle for sure, and that we were an all natural product, small batch made, hand peeled root, etc...and also thought we'd be great on the Christmas show...which is what we ended up being booked for. Here's the link to see the pitch we did on Dragons' Den season 11 live if you'd like to see it: HeeHawHorseradishDragonsDen We went on as a family...with me and my wife Pam flanked by Sara and our Son Matthew and gave it our best shot. At the time we were in stores throughout BC and Alberta but hadn't really grown too much further than that. We were in a couple of key stores though and the Dragons really liked that. We set a table for Christmas and ordered in steak dinners for all the Judges and the hilarity ensued. When it came down to negotiating...we asked for $75,000 and offered 15% ownership, we ended up getting 4 Dragons to offer us funding. We selected #ManjitMinhas to work with and for the next 6 months went back and forth with her and her team to see if a deal could actually be worked out. In the end we both agreed that working together was not going to be...so we parted ways. Today we still own 100% of Hee-Haw Horseradish and have grown our retail footprint to include even more stores now in BC and have also branched out further throughout the provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Check here for Where to Buy Hee-Haw or if you're East of Manitoba use the following link to check out our jar selections to purchase on the Buy Hee-Haw Horseradish Now section. Today, we have nothing but fond memories of our time pitching and appearing on Dragons' Den and if we had the same chance to do it again we would. Our search for a suitable investor continues...somebody who can help us grow into Ontario would be wonderful. If you know anybody...send them our way!