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Hee-Haw Double Damn Cocktail

Hee-Haw Double Damn Cocktail

Now, this is one for all of you who Really like to cook! Settle yourself in for a great ride. This is a meal in a glass meant for the bravest Canadian at heart. First up you're going to need a tall glass and some #WalterCaesar. Plain and simple you're halfway there. Add a shot or two of your favorite vodka, like a beauty from #VictoriaDistillers (or go virgin, we're not judging) squeeze over a lime, rim the glass accordingly (first, sorry) add some ice (same thing), dollop in some Hee-HawDoubleDamnHotHorsersdish...stir...then adorn with a friggin charcuterie board's worth of ingredients. Now that's the bomb!


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